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Course Description

The chess curriculum consists of the following three key learning strands outlined below.  The learning strands are intentionally kept broad to offer flexibility
to the teachers in adapting their teaching styles according to their students’ needs.

Learning Strands Standards Benchmark
Fundamentals Of Chess – Level 1
● Identify and understand the chessboard and chess pieces, as well as the rules and etiquette of the game.
● Recognize the chessboard, squares, horizontal lines, vertical lines, diagonal lines, and naming of squares.
● Identify chess pieces and their movements and understand their relative values.
● Complete understanding of chessboard and important squares.
● Compare & contrast between various types of draws and complex checkmate situations. Opening, Middlegame and Tactics
● Identify and apply fundamental principles of opening and middle game theory and strategies, and analyze various chess tactics, including pins, forks, skewers, discovered attacks, and others.
● Apply known facts, properties, and relationships to analyze chess situations.
● Understand basic tactics like fork, skewer, double attack, and discover attack.
● Recall famous chess openings and opening repertories, and understand advanced tactics like pins, sacrifices, and outpost strategy.
● Analyze and demonstrate concepts of attack and defense in various situations.
● Differentiate between the Kings and Queen’s Gambit variations.
Intermediate Of Chess – Level 2
● Identify and understand basic endgame techniques.
● Analyze different types of chess endgames and their strategic implications.
● Examine real-life situations by identifying logically valid arguments and drawing conclusions to enhance their understanding of planning, long-term strategy, and analytical thinking.
● Collect, organize, analyze, and interpret game data.
● Evaluate and analyze game positions and strategies, developing deeper understanding and skill.
● Describe the concepts and rules of the endgame.
● Be able to recognize and demonstrate different types of end game strategies.
● Compare and contrast different types of pawn structures, and demonstrate about all major, minor pieces and pawn endings.
● Recall the five golden rules of chess.
● Differentiate between the Kings and Queen Gambit openings.
● Analyze and review complex game positions and strategies and develop decision-making skills.
● Predict and develop a plan for the anticipated moves of the opponent.

Advance Chess – Level 3

  • Opening Repertoires and Opening Preparation
  •  Special Moves
  • King Under Threats/ King Hunting
  • Tactical Sharpening and Improving Strategic Vision
  • Checkmate Positions
  • Short Games


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